

安徽教师招聘面试教学设计万能模板-Module 5《Foreign Friends 》

作者:小文  来源:安徽教师考试网  日期:2020-05-21 11:27:53 阅读次数:

安徽教师招聘面试教学设计万能模板-Module 5《Foreign Friends 》由安徽教师考试网整理发布,欢迎关注安徽教师考试官方微信(公众号:jszycn),免费下载笔试、面试备考资料。


Module 5 《Foreign Friends  教学设计
Function:Using can to talk about abilities.        Recycling:Can
Language:Can you speak English?    Can I write to your friend?
Vocabulary:pleased,meet,address,pen friend,Austrilia,French,pet.
Chant:I have a new pen friend.
Unit 1   Pleased to meet you!
I. Warmer.
  1.Write the words on the board.
    jump ,swim,dance,sing.
  2.Tell the ss that you are going to mime an action and they have to guess which action
    it is.(Mime "jump"......)
  3.Repeat this with the other words on the board.
  4.Then ,conduct the following role-play with the ss.
  5.Repeat this with other words on the board.
  6.Then,introduce the question form of "can"by asking the volunteers some questions.
II. Listen ,point and find "can".
  1.Ask the ss to close their books.
  2.Write the following words on the board.
    English, China,America.
  3.Tell the ss that you are going to play the recording and they have to tell you the names of
    the countries mentioned in the recording.
  4.Next,ask the ss to read aloud the dialogue.
  5.Then,tell them to underline all sentences and questions beginning with "can".
  6.Now,tell the ss that you are going to read out extracts from the story and they have to tell
    you who said it.
  7.Next,tell the ss that you will read a question from the story and say it aloud.
  T:Can you speak English,Wang yong?
  S:Yes,I can speak some English.
Unit 2  Pen Friends
I. Warmer.
  Etention Activity 1
   1.Revise "can"and "can't" with the ss.
   2.Encourage the ss to suggest fun activities and write them on the board,e.g.
     play computer games,dance,swim,sing,ice-skate roller-skate
   3.Then,invite volunteers to come to the front of the class and encourage the class to ask
     the volunteers questions.
II. Look,listen and find.
  1.Ask the ss to focus on the pictures and the information about them.
  2.Expalin that you are going to call out information about the different people and the ss have
    to tell you whom you are talking about.
III. Listen and say, then sing.
  1.Divide the class up into groups of three.
  2.Assign one group as "speak",one as "write",and one as "sing".
  3.Get each group to draw a picture to represent their verb.
  4.For example,"speak"can be a face with a bubble saying "How do you do?","wite"can be
a picture of a pen and some words in English and "sing" can be a face with a musucal note
in a bubble.
  5.Now,ask them to sing the song.Each group sings their part of the song and holds up
    their picture.
Module 5  Unit1  Pleased to meet you!
   教学内容   学生用书:Module5Unit 1Activity 1,2,3
        基本能听懂、会说词汇:He is from China.   Meet.  Address  
                wonderful  understand postcard sometimes dancing   really   hobby stamp
        基本能听懂、会问“What is your hobby ? can you speak English ?”的语言结构, 
               并会做答“collecting /reading /riding /watching is my hobby .Yes, I can / No,
                        I cannot; I can speak some English.
     B.初步要求  初步感知pleased,  I have got ……..   Can you be my Chinese friend?
     C.复习巩固   Talking about oneself hobby .what do you do at weekend?
                     Talks about on some festival what do people do?
     2.2运用能力目标      运用所学语言结构询问与描述节日的事情。
     2.3素质教育目标      帮助学生明确学习目标,培养学生自主、合作的学习方式。
教学重点     词汇 please  meet . Address dance sing swim run jump
             句式 Pleased to meet you ; Can you be my Chinese friend? I have got …….
教学难点   can  I  write to your  friend  句式 I  have got two friends
A.学习任务  学习巩固词汇pleased  meet   address   pen friend  postcard  hobby.
            学习  Can you ……Yes ,I can   no , I cannot.   What is your address?  
                 What is your hobby?  I have got ……的语言结构.
B.运用任务 1: SB Unit1 活动2   2:AB Unit 1练习 2   3.给自己的笔友或朋友 写一信。
教学用品   录音机/带、词卡。玩具水果。
1、Warm up
   ⑴Greetings: T—Ss good morning everyone
   (2) Five different groups show their watchword and do action
   (3) Ask two students: Image I am your new friend, first time nice to meet you .The time
      of asking the second student: Pleased to meet you.
2、导入 (Leading)          (1) Question:
  T: do you have friend? Can you talk about him/her? Can he play basketball?
  Can he sing song?      Can she play violin?            Ss :Yes. He can.    NO, he cannot
   T: I have a pen friend .He is very tall and famous .He can play basketball in the Rocket of
     NBA.    Guess who he is.           Ss:  Students answer teacher’s question.
   T: Do you believe that? Can you play it? What can you do?     Ss:  I can ……
     T:  Now before the listening ,I have three questions about the unite 1:
     How many people are talking ?  Can Laura speak English?  
     How many friends does Damming have?
  1. Presenting)    
   (1) Listen to the tape (just listen)
   (2) Then answer the questions.(who are they ?  T: solve these questions)
   (3) Ss opens their books and read it (T:  ask some students to repeat these questions)
      Question:   How many people are talking ?   Can Laura speak English?
                 How many friends does Damming have?
   (4) Listen to the tape again and read it by oneself
   (5) Read it each other then ask some one to read it and group to read
   (6) Solve student questions (T: do you have any questions?
   Explain Grammar: a) Can you be my Chinese pen friend? What is meaning?
                    b) I have got two friends from England.
  主格 宾   形容词性物主代词   名词性物主代词
   I        me          my                  mine  
  You  you        your                 yours   
  He       his          Him                   his
  She      her          her                  hers   
  they      them        their                 theirs
  (7) Teacher explains the text and student practice the key points.
  (8) Students practice the questions in pairs.
4、操练与指导(Drilling and Counseling)
   ⑴ passing game
   T:  Listen to the music and pass the apple when it stops.  Please stand up and pick the
      word card up .Other students ask him/her :Can you sing a song /swim/run fast/jump
      high. Then you answer it.
   S:   Yes/ I can /.   No/I cannot     T:   if student answer: Yes/ I can.
                                   Let him/her sing /Swim (do action)
(2) Game
   T:  I need two students to stand here .One student pick a word card up
   And you ask: Can you……. If  I nod my head .Another student answer:  No/I cannot. 
   Now you go back your seat .If  Yes, I can .You can stay here.      S: Can you …….?
Homework :  Resite  pron.
Blackboard Design:
    Pleased to meet you    Can you be my pen friend?
   主格  宾格   形容词性物主代词    名词性物主代词
   I          me         my                  mine  
   You     you        your                 yours
   He       him         his                  his    
   She       her         her                 hers
   they       them      their               theirs    

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